Confidentiality Notice
My notes are kept encrypted, online through a therapy note taking service that meets PHIPA privacy guidelines. Minimal hardcopy client files are kept locked in a filing cabinet in my office. I keep what we discuss together strictly confidential.
The only exceptions to this are when disclosure is required by law (if you or someone else is in imminent danger of harming themselves or others; if you discuss a situation in which a child, 16 years and under, is at risk of or experiencing physical and/or sexual abuse; or if I obtain reasonable grounds to believe that a registered social worker or social service worker has sexually abused a client). In these exceptions, I will always try to inform you in advance before breaking confidentiality.
Additionally, if you would like me to or if I feel a need to consult with someone on your behalf (i.e., another care provider), I will discuss this with you and ask you to sign a consent form providing me with permission to do.